National Lying Down Day (#HariRebahanNasional)

I watched a video on YouTube, about things lazy people should know. I... immediately watch it. I think I can be categorised as a lazy person, haha. So! Today is a plain and troubled day, so far. I had a problem with my Microsoft Word. I am not going to tell about the problem, because I'm too lazy to tell a story. Yes, people! This "typing" is about LAZY and lazy only. Don't get yourself tidying up your room or have a bath (because honestly, that exactly what I was doing this morning). Today is HARI REBAHAN NASIONAL!!! Or we can say it as National Lying Down Day. How great it sounds! I can't wait to lazying myself more than I ever did.

The unnecessary opening part exhaust me. That's right, I didn't took a bath this morning. Just washed my face and teeth. I didn't even wear necessary clothes, just a jacket, jeans, shoes, and the other important things.

About the video, here it is. You might want to take a peek.

I love this video! It brings me a lot of ideas.

All right. Today is National Lying Down Day. I asked myself before, "Why am I here? Attending two classes and listening (almost) carefully to every word my Professors told us. Meh." Well, it was a right decision to plug in my Earphone and listening to my playlist. I do love to learn, but something inside me was telling me it wasn't the wrong choice to ignore the Professors today.

I only brought my Laptop with me, because I thought, "Why should I bring a notebook? I just need a Laptop to correct my task, a Pen to write down my hand sign (for the list of attendees), a Flash Disk if I have to do a presentation of my task, an Earphone if I get boring somewhat, and a Handphone for everything." Yeah!

Haha. I didn't even bother to read a novel (in my Handphone, of course). I thought I will only listening carefully if the topic is necessary for me. Like, my task is Feature, so why should I bother listening to the Documentary and Magazine tasks? Fortunately, there was one presentation about Feature, so I think I can compose myself to listening a little bit more carefully. That's for the first class. As for the second class, I... actually, I wasn't planning to listen at all, because the presentation for my team was done by the previous week. So, what should I do? But the music was so loud. I can't concentrate on listening to the music I played. The class' name is Illustrated Music, that's why. So... I stop the music on my Handphone and using the music on presentation as my music. But, being the real me, I can't avert my attention somewhere else. I was paying attention to some of the presentation's part. Ugh.

Back to my rented room. Allah SWT is on my side. One of my classmates offered a ride to me. I don't have to take a walk then. She asked me why I'm using jacket even though the weather is very hot. Well, it's because, "I am not using any clothes under this jacket. Simply grab a jacket and wear it. Didn't bother to pick any necessary clothes." Haha, how lazy I should be for her. I remember I have 5 pieces of Martabak. It's (maybe) an Indonesia traditional food, should try it if happened to come to Indonesia. And, those 5 pieces of Martabak are my lunch and dinner. I feel like don't want to bother buying anything for the dinner. By the way, I bought the Martabak last night and I don't reheat it at all, haha.

Before I went inside my rented room, I danced a little bit through the music from my Earphone. Then I turn the key (opened the door) without thinking about going inside. I... took a seat for a moment before really going inside. Haha, how lazy I am today. Well, I am indeed a lazy person after all, with a different laziness each day.

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