Doc. Lektur.ID
To be honest, I never wrote an English language paper. So, I'm deeply sorry if what I wrote isn't exactly like the actual paper.
name is Pinky N.A, a Ravenclaw student from Hogwarts School of
Witchcraft & Wizardry. I live in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. I am here to
complete my Seer N.E.W.T for Magical Readathon. Other than achieving O
in Divination, I have to write a foot long paper on the key events of
the next planetary year based on tea leaf readings, star charts and
crystal ball gazings. I know it's late, but okay I'll write it!
never did those things before. I read some palm reading, but
never to the three of them. And please, you have to remember that I
don't believe in Divination. I only do this for fun.
According to Wikipedia, Divination (from Latin divinare, 'to foresee, to foretell, to predict, to prophesy', related to divinus,
'divine'), or "to be inspired by a god," is the attempt to gain insight
into a question or situation by way of an occultic, standardized
process or ritual. As a simple meaning, Divination is an ability to see
into the future.
the modern era, many people don't believe in Divination. It is because
Divination doesn't require any technology, while on the other hand, we
live in a modern and technological era. All we need to have are a broad
mind and some important materials (such as tea leaf for the tea leaf
reading, as an example). Well, Prof McGonagall, Hermione Granger, and
--even-- J.K Rowling herself are considering Divination as an imprecise
branch of magic. I believe this sentence is true. However, as I tried
reading the palm of my friends --for fun-- several times before, I
believe it is not entirely correct.
Hogwarts, Divination is an elective subject available beginning in a
student's third year. You can choose whether to study Divination or not.
If I am a Wizard, I'd love to learn this study seriously. But not for a
professional career.
"Broaden your minds, my dears, and allow your eyes to see past the mundane!" - Sibyll Trelawney
are several methods of Divination. Yes, not only reading the palm of
someone else's hands, or reading Tarot card like the common Seer, or
crystal ball gazing. Each methods has their own unique. Here are some
methods in Divination:
- Astrology: observing the movements of planets and stars.
- Cartomancy: reading Tarot cards.
- Catoptromancy: looking into mirrors.
- Gastromancy: looking into a crystal ball.
- Ichthyomancy: involving fish.
- Myomancy: involving rats and mice.
- Numerology: predicting the future using numbers.
- Oneiromancy: analysing the meaning of dreams.
- Ornithomancy: by bird migration (animal behaviour).
- Ovomancy: cracking open eggs and observing which way the yolks fall.
- Palmistry: reading the lines on a person's palm.
- Tasseomancy: reading tea leaves.
- Xylomancy: involving twigs.
would list 13 types of methods mentioned in Harry Potter only. There
are many methods of Divination. From gazing the water to film, from
observing the urine to eye colour, and so on.
(tea leaf reading), Astrology (star charts), and Gastromancy (crystal
ball gazing) are three methods I have to use.
Tasseomancy (tea leaf reading)
or what we know as tea leaf reading is a Divination method to read
using tea leaf. I will write everything I know about Tasseomancy.
began when some women centuries ago were having afternoon tea. They
talked about their problem with each other. After they each finish their
tea, one of them realised that the tea leaf inside the cup somehow
resembles their story. Since then, Tasseomancy is well known as one of
the Divination methods.
To be able to do this
reading, you have to use exactly tea leaves. Don't use tea bag. Even if
you tear the bag and use the leaves inside, it would not be effective.
The leaves inside the tea bag are too finely cut. You have to use light
coloured teacup and saucer. The white coloured teacup is the most
favoured among the Seer, as far as I know.
This is how you start preparing your tea before read it in the end:
Brew the tea leaves as usual. You can use any kind of tea, but as a
beginner, black tea is the most recommended. Don't do anything with the
leaves, leave it just like that, then pour the hot water.
Wait until the tea is cool down. While waiting, you can ask one or more
questions. Focus your mind to the questions and direct them to the cup.
I suggest you not to ask a "yes or no" questions.
Drink the tea when it is ready to serve. Again, while drinking, focus
your mind to the tea. Ask your questions. Stop when there's only a
tablespoon left inside the cup.
4. Hold the handle using your left hand, and stir the spoon using your right hand. Stir three times clockwise.
5. Stir using your right hand, turn down the cup carefully so it'll face the saucer. Wait for approximately one minute.
6. Turn back up the cup, then you can begin the reading!
how can I read the symbols? This is a simple but a meaningful question.
Usually, the symbols are consisting of animals, objects, letters, and
more. However, it's not impossible if you found a rare symbol. As long
as it can answer your questions, then it's important.
can't explain to you any further about how to read the leaves. All you
need to do is practice. I never really follow the guide. I will find any
symbols inside my cup, write it down as detailed as possible, then
searching for the meaning on the internet. By knowing what actually the
symbol is, I can look up the meaning.
Here is my result when I first did the Tasseomancy.
o Soldier/Painter
Ø Soldier: never give up, resilient, loyal, initiative, willing to sacrifice.
Ø Painter: art skill (real), sense of art (abstract)
Ø 4 – 5 months later (August, September)
I mean by "PAST" here is something that happened in the past that will
influence my future. That's why I wrote it as something that'll happen 4
- 5 months later. Last month and this month!
Let me see through it. Yes, I haven't read it more since the last time I read it, hahaha.
soldier is a tough profession. They have to be ready at any time for
the war. They have to be prepared to die at any time. They have to love their
country. The fun fact is, I am a Leader of the dance club in college.
Can you see the correlation here? Although Soldier isn't the highest
among those fighter in the war, still, it's a tough profession. Just
like being a Leader.
And, dance. Dance is an art, of course. So far, how is it not correlated to each other? That's it.
thing is, I forgot what I asked when I brew this tea. So for an
"abstract" reading, I translate it to this: this leaves told me how
tough my position as the Leader. Yes, it is. August is (should be) my
peace of holiday, but turns out, I can't set aside this club's busy
preparation every August. Usually, the college will hold a student
entrance ceremony every September. So, all the clubs here have to
prepare so many things since the start of August. This year is a little
bit different, but at the same time, we preparing to launch a dance
challenge, too. Even though the preparations are online, it's so tiring. I'm
not the "mastermind" of this project, but I'm the Leader. You can expect
what should I do.
even edited the after-movie for this year entrance ceremony, I mean,
for the dance club. Since I don't think anybody in the main division has
the time to edit the video (For your information, there are only 11 of the main
division. Most of us don't know how to edit a video). That's not my job,
but I can, so why not? That's a big part of "willing to sacrifice".
o Big letter A. Inside there is a flower, like the royals?
Ø Albania: ???
Ø Acanthus: brought innovation to the free work artists in typology, caused to lose its natural structures and got away from its original forms.
Ø 13 months later (February, March, April, May)
I think I remember my question! It's "What will happen to the world in
the future?". Sounds very hard to interpret... and too widely ranged.
I don't know what key event is actually will happen later with Albania.
This prophecy means to be interpreted by 2022. I will stop here (and I
don't know if I want to talk about it again later in the future, haha).
o A four-legged fat animal with a long tail, and maybe a supernatural (fire) power?
Ø Lemur
Ø 8 – 11 months later (December, January, February, March)
to tradition, one should always be kind to a Lemur, or the creature
will exact some form of revenge. Some villagers embrace legends
suggesting the Lemur is a Spirit Ancestor and a symbol of good luck. So, Lemurs
connote kindness, respect, positivity, and the importance of
remembering familial connections while honouring one’s teachers and
elders." (What is My Spirit Animal: LEMUR SYMBOLISM & MEANING)
Since this Lemur of mine resembled a supernatural fire version, then I think I (or even the world) will have very good connections
with teachers and elders. This is a good luck charm for us. Let's wait
until the end of this year and see what is actually will happen with
o Little Fire Engine
Ø Unselfish love
Ø 8 months later (December)
I saw a little Fire Engine/Firetruck inside my cup. This might be more of myself only, I'm not sure. But since Changmin
seonbae are
supposed to hold his wedding by this month, I think this Fire Engine
predict the actual month of his wedding. It can be, since he must be very
selfish if he still insisting to held the wedding by this 5th
September. I searched everywhere and found out that Fire Engine is
meaning of unselfish love. I am sorry, I forgot where I read this.
According to The Cup of Life, I
shouldn't plan my tea leaves to read often. I should wait until three
or six months later to be able to read again. Last time I read it was
May when the O.W.L was held. It's been three months since then
(according to the time I did the second reading), so I can read again.
time, I remember my question: "Will I get another straight-A (perfect
score) in the next semester? If yes, then what will happen?"
are many symbols I was able to found, but since now I know I just have
to read the right symbol, then I'll just write the important here.
o Fornax
Ø Near the rim of the cup (present)
Ø Detailed explanation on the Star Chart section.
o Three dogs (two puppies and one big dog)
o One of the puppies is relaxed. The other is walking through the big dog.
think this one is easy to interpret. Yesterday (31/08/20), the Prefect
in the class told us that there will be a new lecturer. His name is Mr
Prit. He will be a lecturer for Penyutradaraan Radio (Radio Directing)
class. Since he is an actor and will assist the Director of "Makmum 2",
he will be very busy. So, he told the Prefect to help him with all the
class' procedure.
my opinion, I should be the one who actively asking him since he is
very busy with his job. I think this is an equal understanding. The one
who only stays still -- stay silent -- with no action at all in Radio
Directing class will be left behind. Alright, noted. I will prepare for
any possible thing in this class. Even if I have to video calling Mr Pit --
and he permits me -- I definitely will do that.
o A dog with thick fur, like Otokoyama from Yukan Club (I didn't get the photo of Otokoyama everywhere).
o It highly possible that the dog is adult Collie/Rough Collie.
According to Google,
Rough Collie's temperaments are intelligent, loyal, friendly, active,
protective, and gentle. They're good with children too. In Yukan Club
(manga), Otokoyama helped Kenbishi Mansaku (Yuuri's father) to find
something important (I forgot what is the thing). In the first episode
of Yukan Club (live-action series), Otokoyama helped to wake Miroku. If
Otokoyama didn't wake him up, Miroku will be late to school.
I have to inform you that May is my birth month. And I remember
correctly that the yearly inauguration in college will be postponed to
May (it supposed to be held in January). I have to find out if all of
these are just coincidence or not.
my question is about my GPA. If we talking about May 2021, then it's my
6th semester. That is too long for me to guess about my GPA. And I
think, my birthday has nothing to do with my GPA. So alright, I guess
it's not something that I can read for now. Remember, not all symbols
are mean to be interpreted.
Astrology (Star Charts)
The constellation that I will be reading is Fornax. Why? It's because my Tasseomancy bring me here (read the Tasseomancy part).
Fornax constellation
lies in the southern hemisphere of the sky. Its name means “the
furnace” in Latin. Fornax is one of the constellations added by the
French astronomer Nicolas Louis de Lacaille in the mid-18th century.
(Constellation Guide: Fornax Constellation)
of the stars is brightest among the other. According to Roman
mythology, Fornax is Goddess of Bread and Baking. Any kind of baking,
whether it's bread, bagel, toast, etc are associated with Fornax the
Goddess of Bread and Baking.
to my Tasseomancy before, this constellation will happen in the current
month. I read the tea leaves in August, but I believe this Fornax
constellation is supposed to happen in September too, which is this
Fornax means the furnace. Was introduced by Nicolas Louis de Lacaille in 1756. It was named as Fornax Chemica -- the chemical furnace. As a myth, the word Fornax comes from the Indo-European *gwher- 'To heat, warm'. One of the derivatives is firebrand
(a burning stick carried as a torch or a weapon, also somebody with a
strong or aggressive personality who encourages unrest).
word "unrest" interest me very much. Yes, I didn't have much to rest
fully, even though August is a holiday for me. I have to deal with open
recruitment, motivation letter, competition, scholarship, the dance
club, etc. I need to rest fully without having a bunch of tasks that make
me anxious if I left them behind. But no, I can't. My new term begins on
7 September, after all. I don't have time to relax in August, as long
as I can remember. Responsibilities = August ≠ Holiday.
don't understand how a chemical furnace worked out -- not even the
usual furnace. I never heard of it, and I think it's related to
chemistry, a study I like but does not have the brain for it. I am truly
sorry, I cannot explain any further. It'll explode my head more.
Gastromancy (Crystal Ball Gazing)
thing for sure, I don't have any crystal ball. I don't intend to
purchase any of it -- I have never seen one of it, anyway. So I'm
terribly sorry, but I have to skip this method.
am here in conclusion. Since I don't have much energy to ask a question
about the world, I focused it to myself -- the key events of myself, on
the next planetary years (honestly, I don't even understand what is a
planetary year).
From the Tasseomancy and Astrology, I come to one strong conclusion: I have to fire up myself to be able to achieve straight-A (perfect score/GPA) again for this semester.
However, I cannot forget the clubs, volunteers, and other activities
other than the college's classes, too. All of them are (somewhat)
correlated. I have to be more passionate about this 5th semester, and it
goes on to the 6th semester.
of these are just for fun. I don't -- and can't -- believe in
Divination, but I do enjoy reading it on my (very) spare time. I did
palm reading when I was in Secondary School (Junior High), however, I
don't enjoy the process at all. People know me as the famous and "free"
Seer in school. I don't like it at all. The worst part is I don't know
why I started the reading.
conclusion I wrote here can be a little booster for my study. For your
information, I am studying Broadcasting, with Management of Broadcast
Production as my focus study (Indonesian called it as Program Studi;
Study Programme). With this COVID-19 situation, of course, I have a big
struggle. I can't go to college and practice in the studio as usual (I
miss the TV studio so much!), I can't discuss the content of the team's
programme -- I can't even have my dance with my friends in the dance
club! By firing up myself to this situation, I believe I can achieve
straight A again. Bismillah. Inshaallah.
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